The delay in queue_delayed_work() is given to ensure that at least a minimum delay in jiffies is given before the workqueue entry actually starts executing. 在queuedelaywork()中指定delay,是为了保证至少在经过一段给定的最小延迟时间以后,工作队列中的任务才可以真正执行。
There will be a minimum delay of120 seconds after you save the maintenance plan before it appears and can be run on the target server. 在保存维护计划之后,在目标服务器上可以显示并运行该维护计划之前,会出现至少120秒的延迟。
Are the various steps in the process arranged and prioritized to obtain quality outcomes at low cost and with minimum of delay? 流程中所安排的各项步骤顺序,是否成本低且延迟极小,所获得的成果也是有品质?
Optimization of Intersection Cycle Length and Split by Minimum Delay 基于延误最小的交叉口周期时长和绿信比的优化研究
It can be seen from comparison in simulation that it can minimum the delay, delay jitter and loss rate. 最后,通过仿真比较可以推知,该协议能最小化时延和时延抖动及丢包率。
Emergent Event Monitoring Based on Event-Driven and Minimum Delay Aggregation Path in Wireless Sensor Network 基于事件驱动和最小延迟融合路径的无线传感器网络突发事件监测研究
However, the group of bills that authorises the spending is not expected to return to the Senate until at least February 23, implying a minimum delay of nearly two weeks. 然而,这组授权支出的法案,预计至少在2月23日之前不会重新提交参议院,这意味着最少会出现近两周的推迟。
It will improve the traffic ability of artery greatly, to optimize the signal period and green-time-rate on purpose of minimum traffic delay, and to optimize phase of each cross in linear-control system. 以延误最小为目标对各个交叉口进行信号周期和绿信比的优化,并对干线进行线控系统的相位优化,能大大提高交通干线的通行能力。
A Minimum Delay Spanning Tree Algorithm for the Application-Layer Multicast 应用层组播的最小延迟生成树算法
The test about the optimized code shows that, the coding and decoding results are correct, computing delay is smaller that the required minimum delay time. 通过对优化后的程序进行测试验证,编解码结果正确,运算时延小于算法所要求的最小时延,基本实现了G。
Minimum Delay Time of the Integrated Injection Logic Gate 集成注入逻辑电路中的最小延迟时间
Queuing Analysis and Simulation of the Measurability of End-to-End Minimum Packet Delay 端到端最小包时延可测性的排队分析与仿真
Comparison of this new method with the existing ones shows it can yield excellent result in forecasting minimum delay. 并与原有方式进行了比较,所得结果说明其性能是优越的。
A New Algorithm for Minimum Delay Overlay Multicast Tree 一种新的最小延时覆盖多播树算法
Optimal Valve Closing Mode for Minimum Delay Flow 最小滞后流量的优化关阀方式
There may be two requirements of multicast routing in many multimedia applications: minimum total tardiness and minimum delay variation. 在多媒体应用中,关于路由问题有两种要求:最小总延误和延迟变化。
In the capacitive impedance operating range, the gain of the proposed model changes as the delay angle varies from maximum delay angle to minimum delay angle. 在容性工作区域,模型的增益随着触发角大小的变化而变化。
In this experiment the optimization with no regard of the restriction of saturation and the optimization with the target of minimum total delay of all key approaches of all phases are compared. 在仿真实例中比较了不考虑饱和度限制下的优化情况和仅以各相关键进口道的总延误最小为目标的优化情况。
In this paper, a new combinatorial optimization approach, the chaos simulated annealing algorithm, is proposed and applied in solving the minimum average delay and flow assignment of a computer network. 本文将一种新的混合优化算法&混沌模拟退火优化方法应用于求解计算机通信网的最小网络迟延和流量分配问题。
Finally, the expression of optimal packet length, in the sense of minimum total delay, is derived. 最后推导出了在总时延最小意义下的最佳分组长度计算公式。
A new clock routing algorithm is proposed, which synthesizes top down and bottom up clock tree topology generation algorithms. This algorithm aims at minimum clock delay and total wire length and utilizes legitimate skew to construct a clock tree. 提出了一种新的时钟布线算法,它综合了top-down和bottom-up两种时钟树拓扑产生方法,以最小时钟延时和总线长为目标,并把合理偏差应用到时钟树的构造中。
The increasing sequence in compliance with modular hierarchy number is speed optimizing sequence of minimum delay time, fixed resource ( area) expense and power dissipation in all sequence of the hybrid modules cascade CLA. 并得出和证明了按模块层数递增级联序列是混合模块级联CLA各序列中延迟时间最短、资源(面积)占用与功耗不变的速度优化序列。
Adopting the strategy of layered bandwidth allocation, a heuristic routing algorithm, called layered compact tree ( LCT) is proposed to build a minimum delay radius multicast tree in heterogeneous OMN. The properties of LCT are also proved and analyzed in theory. 采用分层的带宽分配策略,提出了一种异构环境下构造OMN最小延时半径多播树的启发式算法&分层的压缩树(layeredcompacttree,简称LCT)算法,并对其性质进行了理论证明和分析。
And then we propose a chunk scheduling model with local optimal delay under the guarantee of high quality video. This model provides guidance for designing a chunk scheduling algorithm attending to achieve the local minimum delay. 然后基于以上特点提出了此场景中高视频播放质量保证下局部延迟最优的数据调度模型,为数据调度算法提供了设计指导。
With the in-depth study, different applications 'requirements on the quality of service ( QoS) have become increasingly prominent. For instance, the traditional algorithm which focuses on the minimum hop or minimum delay can not satisfy the multi-constrained routing optimization problem. 随着研究的深入,不同应用对于服务质量的要求日益突出,以往以最小跳数或者最小时延为目标的传统路由算法已经不能满足对多约束路由的优化问题。
Considering the node heterogeneity, the authors put forward the concept of heterogeneous degrees nodes and construct heterogeneous degrees collection tree. Last but not least, it gets minimum delay content updates tree content update tree by dynamic programming algorithm. 考虑到节点的差异性,提出节点异构度的概念并构建异构度收集树,然后通过动态规划方法求解最小延迟更新内容树。
Ensure the safety and without delay of the emergency vehicles on through the intersection, on the other hand to ensure the minimum delay of other vehicles around the emergency vehicles passed the intersection. 一方面保证应急车辆能安全无延误地通过交叉口,另一方面确保应急车辆通过前后其它车辆的排队和延误最小。
Combined with intersection properties, select the passive priority method based on per capita minimum delay, results show that the practical feasibility. 结合交叉口特性,选取了基于人均延误最小的BRT被动优先方法,实验结果表明该方法具有现实可行性。
The simulation results show that proposed scheduler provide a minimum delay guarantees to real-time applications better than the Weighted Fair Queue, so maintaining a acceptable end-to-end delay level. 仿真结果表明,对于实时数据流文章提出的调度机制比公平队列机制具有更小的时延,因此可以保证可接受的端到端时延。